Top Ten Characters I’d Like to Revisit as Adults

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme / feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic is: Ten Childhood Characters You’d Love To Revisit As Adults (i.e. a novella or something to see what they grew up to be) — you could always just pick YA characters you’ve read recently you wouldn’t mind revisiting in 10 years or so. Or you could pick 10 characters and guess what you think they’d be doing in 10 years or 20 years. OR you could go the other way and wish for coming of age stories for adult characters you love. 

My list is going to be a mixture of childhood and YA characters, and the last one is a coming of age story I’d love to read. In no particular order, here goes!

1. Joe Hardy from The Hardy Boys

I was a huge Hardy Boys fan as a little girl. Reading about them solving mysteries used to be extremely thrilling. I would love to revisit Joe Hardy to see if he’s still the fun, mischievous person he was as a teenager.


2. George from The Famous Five

George was my favorite character from The Famous Five. She was bold, mischievous and resolute. And her dog! I adored Timmy. The books just wouldn’t have been the same without the two of them.


3. Julian from The Famous Five

The most mature of the group, Julian was an absolute delight to get to know. At 12, he displayed exceptional intelligence and was one of the most reliable childhood characters I knew.


4. Jack from The Secret Seven

Jack was very headstrong character who didn’t think twice about standing up to the group leader, Peter, when he was being too unreasonable. I loved reading about Jack and his arguments with his little sister Susie.


5. Fatty from The Five Find-Outers

All my favorite childhood books were mystery books. I am still a fan of the genre, but I suppose ‘Fantasy’ overtook ‘Mystery’ after I read Harry Potter. Fatty, though boastful and annoying at times, was very clever and shared all his money with the group. He was a kind soul, always being nice to Bets, the youngest in the group, whom the others didn’t want around. I would love to revisit him to see if he perhaps stopped boasting after he grew up.


6. Jesse from Bridge to Terabithia

This book broke my heart. I would love to see how Jesse grew up to be. Did he ever get over the death of Leslie? I know I haven’t.


7. Teddy Lupin from Harry Potter

I’m sure Teddy never felt unloved. But I would love to see him grow up with a little bit of both Remus and Tonks. JKR, if you’re listening, please?


8. Minnie from Mini Shopaholic

The shopaholic series was a guilty pleasure for me. The books were absolutely hilarious, and with Minnie, trouble was bound to ensue. Did she grow up to be a hot mess like her mother? I need answers!


9. Elizabeth from The Naughtiest Girl

This book made me want to go to a boarding school. That never happened, so I visited her world instead. I would love to see if she remained as mischievous as she was a little girl.


Coming of Age Books

10. Young Sherlock Holmes

In keeping with my love for the genre, I would love to see a young Sherlock sleuthing around.


Well, this was my list. Who are your top ten picks?

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Characters I’d Like to Revisit as Adults

  1. Great list, Kruti. It seems that we share some favorites. Of all of these, the only series I haven’t really read would be The Hardy Boys and Mini Shopaholic books. I grew up on Enid Blyton, and read practically every series she wrote. Harry Potter – well, that series occupies a central place in my heart, despite my being an older person.

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  2. Enid Blyton’s Books — Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys — Harry Potter Series
    The above was the transition of my reading through my childhood. The truth is despite whatever I read today. There is still a soft spot for all those books read when I was young. Re-read of each book brings back memories of that book, as well as the situation and events which happened in my life when I was reading it.

    Haven’t tried Bridge to Terabithia before… Should check it out.

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    • Bridge to Terabithia is beautiful. Have you seen the movie? Even the movie tore me apart. The book is a thousand times worse. So fair warning, sit with a box of tissues when you do read it.


  3. Hey, wonderful list. Made me so nostalgic. The two minutes I spent reading this were like two minutes back to my childhood. Thank you so much.

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  4. I like Jack best among the Secret Seven kids too. But I want to know what they all grew up to be. And I’ve always wondered why the dog was counted in the Famous Five and not the Secret Seven. Haha.

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    • Haha.. Yeah. I guess Timmy was always with the group and was very essential in helping them solve the mysteries, while Scamper was more an honorary member, filling in for the others when they can’t be there 😛
      But I guess we’ll never know.

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